The Italian co-composting trial and the autumn cultivation trials begin

The LIFE AGRISED project takes a great leap forward, thanks to the launch of 3 important experimental tests!   Co-composting of sediments and green waste (Italian trial) After the conclusion of the authorization process, the co-composting trial based on sediments dredged from the Navicelli canal and green waste recovered from the Pistoia nursery district starts […]

Summer update on the latest progress of the LIFE AGRISED project

The activities of the LIFE AGRISED project also continue during these hot summer months. After reaching the maturity of the 3 co-compost produced during the experimental trials conducted in Czech Republic, in July part of the material has been sent to the Italian partners, who will asses it during the first experimental cycle of cultivation […]

LIFE AgriSed at the Superior Chamber of the Czech Parliament – 15 October 2019

On 15 October, Dr. Monika Heřmánková, EPS researcher, took part in the “Potable Water for the Third Millennium” seminar organized by the “Water-Draught” Parliamentary Commission of the Superior Chamber of the Czech Parliament. The seminar has been organized to gather information and reflections from scientists and water sector practisioners, in order to provide the basement […]