Summer update on the latest progress of the LIFE AGRISED project

The activities of the LIFE AGRISED project also continue during these hot summer months. After reaching the maturity of the 3 co-compost produced during the experimental trials conducted in Czech Republic, in July part of the material has been sent to the Italian partners, who will asses it during the first experimental cycle of cultivation foreseen in autumn and for the production of reconstituted technosols based on the innovative process developed by MCM Ecosistemi.

Loading operations of the big bags containing the 3 co-compost obtained during the co-composting trial in Czech Republic

Arrival and unloading of the material transported to Pistoia


At the same time, after having obtained the definitive release from the Tuscany Region of the necessary authorization, in July the activities for the preparation of the experimental cultivation site began in the premises of the beneficiary Gorini, who will take care of the nursery cultivation trials based on the new substrate.

Workers of the beneficiary Gorini dealing with the preparation of the area where the Italian co-composting trial will be conducted

Preparation, transport and positioning of the bins for the Italian co-composting test


The dissemination activity also continued throughout the summer, in particular thanks to the presentation of AGRISED and the distribution of gadgets to customers (regular and new) of the coordinating beneficiary Agri Vivai. This activity proves to be very important, as well as for the dissemination of the objectives and results of the AGRISED project and the potential of the LIFE Programme, also for the collection of technical feedback (and not only) from nurserymen, first potential users of this substrate and working every day with the substrates for which the AGRISED project aims to offer an ecological alternative.


Dissemination activity at Spinelli Vivai

Dissemination activity at Vivai Fortunato

Dissemination activity at Vivai AVIM

Dissemination activity at Vivai Piante Polignano Michele

Dissemination activity at Vivai Barni Aldo

Dissemination activity at Vivai Tesi Giorgio

Dissemination activity at Vivai Europlant